Bach Bibliography
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Series : ^HistMCultores$
Max number of results shown : 300
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Selden-Goth, GisellaFerruccio Busoni: un profilo. HistMCultores 20 1964 133p
2. Freeman, Robert N.Johann Georg Albrechtsberger's 26 canoni aperti dei varii autori: Observations on canonic theory and repertory in the late 18th century. HistMCultores 74 1994 485-511
3. Gmeinwieser, Siegfried; Hiley, David; Riedlbauer, Jörg (eds.)Musicologia humana: Studies in honor of Warren and Ursula Kirkendale. HistMCultores 74 1994 573p
4. Petrobelli, Pierluigi; Careri, EnricoCorelli e Bach: a proposito del Quarto Brandeburghese. HistMCultores 111 2007 523-527
5. Barnett, Gregory; D'Ovidio, Antonella; La Via, Stefano (eds.)Arcangelo Corelli fra mito e realtā storica: nuove prospettive d'indagine musicologica e interdisciplinare nel 350o anniversario della nascita HistMCultores 111 2007 xxiv, 707p
6. Kirkendale, WarrenCiceronians versus Aristotelians on the ricercar as exordium, from Bembo to Bach. HistMCultores 113 2007 33-85
7. Kirkendale, WarrenOn the rhetorical interpretation of the ricercar and J.S. Bach's Musical offering HistMCultores 113 2007 87-124
8. Kirkendale, UrsulaThe source for Bach's Musical offering: The Institutio oratoria of Quintilian. HistMCultores 113 2007 417-477
9. Kirkendale, UrsulaA review of the facsimile edition of J.S. Bach's Musical offering. HistMCultores 113 2007 479-485
10. Kirkendale, WarrenThe Baroque Mozart. HistMCultores 113 2007 487-499
11. Kirkendale, WarrenThe Great fugue op. 133: Beethoven's Art of the fugue. HistMCultores 113 2007 545-561
12. Kirkendale, Warren; Kirkendale, UrsulaMusic and Meaning: Studies in Music History and the Neighbouring Disciplines. HistMCultores 113 2007 xi, 643p
13. Kirkendale, WarrenAntonio Caldara: life and Venetian-Roman oratorios. HistMCultores 114 2007 552p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita